Economic and Social Councils
The Economic and Social Councils ask for nothing less than an assembly of the most dedicated delegates to issues of long-term regional and global importance. In the model of the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Councils debate solutions to critical questions and produce policy suggestions in the form of resolutions. However, composed of a smaller number of representatives, the Economic and Social Councils generate more of an intimate environment, allowing for delegates to access the nuances of their topics. In these policy-orientated committees of long-term vision, delegates may encounter a variety of topics of debate, ranging from international standards for space exploration counter-pollution, to urban development and planning, to environmental conservation, and beyond.
Juan Esteban Gallo, Class of 2026
World Trade Organization (WTO)
University Delegates, Spanish, Single Delegate
Shameel Aubeelauck, Class of 2026
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
High School Delegates, English, Single Delegate
Gabriela Veras, Class of 2027
Organization of American States (OAS)
High School Delegates, Spanish, Single Delegate
Rocío Jiménez, Class of 2027
Comisión de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CCTD)
High School Delegates, Spanish, Single Delegate